Following My Dream…

This blog will be used to share short stories, non-fiction and fiction, as well as, thoughts and ideas I have through everyday life experience.

I have always had a passion for writing.  I started a diary when I was only 5 and have kept journals all through my life.  I believe when a thought becomes a word it is then alive. My life has not (until now) afforded me the time I would have needed to seriously consider writing on a professional level.  We often forget that our existence is only but a whisper in eternity.  What we do with that time is what we leave behind.  The Dash In Between the time we are born and the time that we die is the marked form of that whisper of life.

So many get caught up in the day to day grind and push their dreams aside.  God placed a purpose on each life in which translates in our world as our passions and dreams. Some, unfortunately, never escape the grind and die without fulfilling their specific purpose in this world.

I have always been ambitious, fighting every day to make a better life for my family and myself.  Then suddenly right in the middle of all the things I pursued, I was stopped dead in my tracks by several incurable illnesses that has left me wondering and questioning my life and all that I have worked so hard to accomplish.

I have long since forgotten my passion for writing and photography, but since this sudden drastic event in my life, I have questioned my value as an individual.  I have fought the urge to just give up and give in to what life has dealt me.  As I have questioned God through this change, a quiet voice whispers to me….”write”.  

Is this God’s way of gently pushing me toward my purpose? I have much to share of my own life and also of other lives that I have been privileged to share even if for only a short time.  The only way I know to test if writing is God’s purpose for me, is to start.  Come share with me as I embark on a new chapter in my life.  Again, as many times before, I grasp for the only thing I know to be solid…and that is hope.

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